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Integrity and Security...Is your system protected?

                              Standard Key Systems


Each lock manufacturer has their own unique keyways (key profiles) that are specific to their locks.  As patents expire, OEM manufactures offer generic copies of the manufacturer specific keyways.  This does not diminish the value of the product, it simply means that there is vitually no key control or assurity that unauthorized copies of your keys exist.


If you own a property with this type of key system, you more than likely have a system designed to your specific access needs and you may even have your keys stamped "Do Not Duplicate".


Unfortunately, this offers virtually no protection against unauthorized key duplication because these common key blanks are available through any locksmith, hardware company, or retail store that has a key duplicating machine.



If controlling your keys is not an issue but you have lost control of your system, Commercial Key can design a system specific to your access needs by rekeying your existing cylinders.  Although this is a low-cost means of protecting your property and valuables, it may not be as secure as you think. 


If a Standard, non-protected key system does not protect you in the manner that you need,  consider a Key Controlled or Electronic Cylinder Solution...

Do you need more protection?

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Commercial Key Security, Inc. - Locksmith Services; 303-988-0247

KABA Access Control Specialist: Linda Meister: 720-878-4147

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